Lighting Policy

lighting picture
Lightning Policy

Lightning is potentially very dangerous. According to the NOAA, there are an average of 66 deaths a year due to lightning. In 2005 there were 4 deaths and 172 injuries due to lightning strikes. Therefore, it is imperative to recognize the signs of bad weather that may bring lightning. If there is severe weather in the area, it must be monitored closely. Thus, with the safety of all student-athletes in mind and in accordance with the UIL recommendation, the Los Fresnos Sports Medicine has the flowing guidelines.

1. Methods of Gathering lighting Information:
Flash to bang method: Begin counting when sighting a lighting flash. Count until the associated thunder is heard. Divide by five to determine the distance to the lightning.
Skyscan: Watch for activity on the device.

2. Making a Decision:
20 – 40 Miles Away- Be aware lightning is in the area. Monitor its progress
10 – 20 Miles Away- Monitor closely
3 – 10 Miles Away- Remove participants from the field immediately. Play should not resume until 30 minutes have passed without a strike in this range or closer.
0 – 3 Miles Away- Remove participants from the field immediately. Play should not resume until 30 minutes have passed without a strike in the 0-3 or 3-10 mile range.

The staff athletic trainer, if available, will make the final decision. It is the responsibility of the head coach to remove the team from the field. The staff athletic trainer shall inform the head coach when the danger of lightning is near. If the athletic trainer is not present it is the coach’s responsibility to be aware of the weather and make an informed decision.

During the game:
The head game official will make the final decision. The game administrator or head coach should advise the head game official of inclement weather. The staff athletic trainer shall inform the game administrator and head coach when the danger of lightning is near, when possible. The game administrator and head coach should use the above information to make an informed decision to ensure the safety of the student-athletes. It is the responsibility of the game administrator or head coach to remove both teams from the field.

3. Resume Game/practice:
Play should not resume until 30 minutes have passed without a strike in the 0-3 or 3-10 mile range.

4. Safe Shelters:
A safe shelter is any substantial, frequently inhabited building. It should have four walls, electrical and telephone wiring, as well as plumbing, all which aid in grounding the structure. A secondary choice is a fully enclosed vehicle with a metal roof with the windows closed. Do not touch any of the metal frame.

Safe Shelters include but not limited to:
Football/Baseball/Softball Fields: Gym, Buses, Locker Rooms

5. Treatment:
If someone is struck by lightning immediately provide medical care for them. They are not charged, thus it is safe to touch the person. Activate the emergency plan, call 911 (EMS) and campus police. Provide CPR if needed.